(You can either view and download the form, or right-click the form and select "Save link as" or otherwise save the file and then open it.) Submit DD Form 149, Application for Correction of Military Recordsto the relevant service branch. We encourage you to check directly with the VA for updates or changes: The following information is from the Department of Veteran's Affairs Guide to Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents and is provided as a courtesy. Be sure to use the appropriate address for your service branch as listed on the back of the form.) (DO NOT submit these forms to the National Archives. Instructions on what to submit for each are listed below. You will need to apply to the review board for your respective service branch for corrections or changes. Due to the Department of Defense guidance (DODI 1336.01) that requires the electronic creation and transmission of the DD Form 215, National Archives and Records Administration will no longer create a DD Form 215 to make corrections to the DD-214.